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Latest #DreamitDose

How To Answer: What’s Your Valuation?

The question "What's your valuation?" is a frequently asked question during investor Q&A. Founders must exercise caution when responding to this tricky question. Experienced founders have a specific approach to framing their response. In this Dose, Partner Adam Dakin shares valuable insights on the correct approach to answering the valuation question when pitching to VCs - all in 5 minutes!

Perfecting Your Pitch (Playlist)

Get ready to craft your deck, crush your fundraise, and pitch VCs like a pro. Check out this list of our most common Dreamit Doses that founders need to watch before you raise your next round. This playlist presents clear and comprehensive advice across many key areas and friction points that will come up in the fundraising process. The playlist is ordered logically, starting with slides and strategic best practices, followed by tips for each part of your pitch, and finally post-pitch Q&A and diligence. Click here to view this series in playlist form.

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Dreamit Dose Video Library

Creating Your Pitch Deck

Startup Strategy

Fundraising & Pitching Investors

Enterprise Sales